Wednesday, May 25, 2011

bunkered in the basement

neosho and i under our basement stairs, surrounded by pillows, and comforted by the radio play-by-play of the storm's activity. bunkered in.

tornado season has commenced here in kansas city. take heed.

1 comment:

  1. Last night I was driving in my car and it was swept off the road by multiple tornadoes working together. I promptly got out of the car and hid under a tree trunk from a tree that had fallen over from the same tornadoes. After tree started to move again, I realized what a silly idea that was. And yes, this was all in a dream. Which means I can blame such a terrible hiding spot decision on being sleepy. Well, I guess I wasn't actually sleepy IN my dream. I don't know how that works. Little help please, Mr. DiCaprio?
