for those of you that live in the midwest you know that it has been a hot summer, we have been breaking heat records left and right, but alas, today, the summer heat broke. in comes the beginnings of fall. fantabulous.
fall is my favorite season, and it is only fitting that i married a man who was born early september. i am so very thankful for my husband. he is devoted to seeking and following Christ, and as he daily clings to Him for his identity, he blesses and leads my weary heart.
we celebrated his 29th birthday yesterday. happy birthday, love.
last night dinner was with my parents at a local italian kitchen. true italian food. sangiovese wine. great conversation. pure bliss.
he said on countless occasions this weekend, "it's your day, babe. what do you want to do?" selfless? manipulative? jury is still out. fortunately for me (or for him, depending on how you look at it), we find our tastes aligning most of the time. some of my favorite things from this weekend included, spending time with those we care about, sleeping in as long as our puppy's bladder allows, a morning starbucks run, a chilly dog park morning (neosho hesitantly got in and out of a little dog pool, so proud), home cooked deliciousness, and patio lounging. AND, labor day tomorrow = no work! it has been a perfect weekend.
his birthday happened to fall on one of my very best friends going away party. this dear friend of mine just got back home from the west coast and will be traveling across the pond soon. and, i will miss her. she is incredibly funny and all together deserving of the opportunity ahead.
mmm. but, i better get to see you again before you leave, again.