i love traveling, and even though i'm partial to the mountains, spending some time in new york city last week with friends and family turned into an incredible and memorable vacation. of course, not a vacation that proved to be relaxing by any stretch of the imagination. it started off with a work conference followed by jam packed days of sight-seeing, walking countless miles through crowds of people, navigating through unknown territories (thank you google maps for all your assistances), getting as little sleep as possible, and bickering as all healthy married couples do, starting to sound like a great time, huh? well, it was. without further ado, here's our trip in a nut-shell of a blog post.
i flew in wednesday night and spent the next two days learning some valuable information about SEC filing requirements. the first night we ate at dos cominos, yes, mexican in the city, so delicious. great guac. the second night we ventured to a cute little italian restaurant in union square, i tre merli, also delicious.
at i tre merli
at mcsorley's old ale house est. 1854. two types of beer are sold, dark and light.
nic flew in friday night and saturday, november 12th, we began the sight-seeing, after a cup of coffee of course.

at the
roasting plant in the green village. we then walked through the union square green market.
strolled through central park.
found apple store #1. yipee!!
met up with nic's sister for lunch at
le pain (awesome food) near columbus circle, followed by walking/shopping/browsing. loved the shopping south of washington square park.
had to charge our phones from all the usage we put them through, so we found apple store #2. :)
after all the walking, the three of us decided to sit and eat dessert before dinner, best. choice. ever.
we then met back up with friends where we enjoyed dinner and wine in little italy. hm, can't remember the name of this restaurant. ;)
sunday we toured what we could see of the 9/11 memorial, took a subway to brooklyn, ate grimaldi's pizza, and then walked back to manhattan across the brooklyn bridge. we stopped for an afternoon coffee at 71 irving and people watched in washington square park. oh and had an amazing peanut butter sandwich at peanut butter and co. the evening line up was the Rockettes show at radio city music hall and dinner at rosa mexicana near lincoln center.
construction on the new building at the world trade center site.
grimaldi's pizza and a $2 can of coke.
the view from brooklyn bridge, a lot has happened in 10 years.
afternoon coffee at 71 irving place coffee and tea bar
heading to the show
setting up the tree at Rockefeller Center, which seemed to deserve a photo at the time.
at the Rockettes!
while not a clear shot, evidence of us at lincoln center.
monday we spent the morning with nic's sister, saw grand central station, ate at patsy's pizza, visited an AMAZING furniture store (abc carpet & home, incredible), ate thai food at republic (so satisfying), saw phantom of the opera (bonechilling), and capped the night with juniors cheesecake. my feet were officially swollen by end of day monday.
tuesday was our final day in the city and we packed it full.
morning coffee at the starbucks near our 34th and 9th st. apartment
toured the top of the empire state building
said good-bye to nic's sister
shopped the christmas section at macy's, did you spot santa?!?!
we grabbed a quick burger at shake shack in madison square park, and made a last minute decision to go to the patigonia store.
we bought matching jackets. :)
all in all a wonderful trip. happy thanksgiving!!