Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Doggie Dreams

Okay, imagine you're a dog. an over-active, under-trained puppy trapped in a full-sized dog body, named Neosho. You look like this:

What's your puppy life been like? That's easy. Since you were born, you've dreamed of the day when 3 things would happen:

  1. Your owners trust you enough to leave your kennel door open when they go to work.
  2. It's a rainy day, and without any desire to go outside, the inside of the house must keep you entertained.
  3. Enough doors are left open, such that when 1 and 2 happen... you have access to the magical place. What's this magical place? The magical place is the storage area, under the stairs, where all of the bulk paper items are stored. Yes. Jumbo packs of toilette paper from Costco.
Now, imagine that these three planets align, and your lifelong dream is finally realized. Yes, indeed, today... you look like this:

I hope it was worth it.