I was also reminded of two amazing truths:
1. I must trust God to be Lincoln's ultimate protector, He loves him more than I know.
2. Life will only get easier if I let God get bigger and admit that I need His help. She mentions that she raised her kids in a land of "I Can Do This" (you know with all the books and gizmos), and having that "I Can Do This" mentality will only bring on guilt and shame. It's so true. I don't have the strength, wisdom, and love for Lincoln that I should, but He does.
Lincoln grows so quickly.
7 months: army crawling
9 months: strangers are strangers now, it takes him a while to warm up to people (and bears :)).
Thankful for these two gentlemen.
I love the picture of Lincoln on the floor looking back at the camera...adorable! His rolls are precious!