Oliver William took his time. January 2, 2016 was his due date and I fully expected, rather hoped, he would come in 2015. We celebrated Christmas at Lance's house in Kansas City around the new year. We stayed active, cooked, played with the cousins, took lots of walks (even in the cold!), family took bets on the day that were then subsequently re-done as all those days passed. After the holiday celebrations my mom stayed with us and we continued to wait.
I went to my weekly check-up on January 11, 2016 and my blood pressure was high. My doctor said let's get baby out. No objections here.
I was having contractions on and off, not strong, but I felt them. We checked into to Shawnee Mission Medical center that night and I had progressed to 4cm. We decided to wait through the night to see if active labor would kick in. It didn't.
The night nurse said that I was having contractions about 10 minutes apart all night but no progression.
The 7am nurse came on duty and we waited for the doctor. It was a Tuesday and my doctor didn't work on Tuesdays, so we had Dr. Magee. He was working with a resident (I think). The resident was very quiet, probably like they are supposed to be. She primarily just observed.
The Dr. was busy in the morning and didn't make it to our room until around 10am. But, boy did things get going when he got there. He broke my water at 10am, got Pitocin around 10:30am and then suffered through some INTENSE contractions until the epidural at noon.
This was my least favorite epidural. The other two were great, but this one didn't work in what felt like one critical spot, my lower right side.
The anesthesiologist came back after I continued to complain. I remember having the sweetest nurse step in while my nurse was at lunch. He tried to help manage the pain, but didn't quite get it.
I still felt sharp contraction pains and then immense pressure that continued to get stronger and stronger, there was nothing that could stop this baby from coming.
Nic went to get the nurse and she checked me, sure enough I was +1.
Everyone was then called in. The doctor, the delivery team, the baby team.
While the doctor was on his way, the pressure continued to build and I pushed a few times before the nurse said, "ok, ok, ok, hang tight". The doctor arrived and epidural seemed to be not working at all.
I remember people trying to get my attention to explain what was going on, but all I could do was focus on getting through the pain.
I remember them wanting me to wait until the next contraction to push. Not a chance. I was pushing this baby out, contraction or not.
I remember the doctor saying what sounded to me like, "he's here!!" and then I asked, "why isn't he crying??" And the doctor proceeded to tell me that he wasn't all the way out yet. Ugh.
Another push or two and he wiggled his way out, I held him, I heard the crying, I was exhausted, relieved, full of joy.
Oliver William Kline was born January 12, 2016 at 2:56pm, weighing 7lbs, 11oz, and 20.5.
The resident re-appeared in my eye's view when Nic wanted no part in cutting the cord. She cut it.
Time was moving in slow motion.
We had loving visitors of family and friends. Generous gifts of food and adorable little baby clothes/accessories.
Also, I had the best mommy and baby team in recovery. I hit the jackpot with this dream team. The daytime nurse was a mom of 3 boys that were in middle school and elementary school. She graciously welcome me to the three boy club. I really liked her and saw a glimpse of my future as we discussed sports, laundry, and all things boy. She was gifted as a nurse, professional, excellent bedside manner, and I thought that if I were a nurse, I would hope to be just like her. Her partner in crime (my night-time nurse) was a nurse who was a few months from retiring, experienced and just a joy to be around.
We are settled into our new routine. I've been constantly reminded this week that I am not the center of this life. My ways are not the best and only ways. Even to the thought of, why wouldn't everyone in Kansas City want to live in Roeland Park, have 3 boys, and serve the body of believers at Redeemer? Sounds ridiculous, but I thought it. The boys are memorizing this verse, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding ". This verse has resurfaced a lot this past year.
Life with this crew of mine is wonderful. Even during the hard days, I am filled with joy that they are mine. That God chose me to love them, teach them, play with them, be lazy with them, hold them, change them, feed them, kiss them, pray with them, These kids are a blessing, they are God's best for me, they are a reminder that this earth has a future without me, which draws me to the Lord knowing that all this shall pass and one day the curtain will be drawn and I will know Perfect Love in its entirety. Until then, I will wait.
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