Thursday, November 3, 2011

busy bumblebees

this past weekend started off with an unexpected but much enjoyed visit from the my mom and dad. they witnessed the sad loss of the ksu vs. ou football game in manhattan and decided to take a long detour home through kc! we all got together at our place on saturday night, my brother and sister-in-law also came over and provided wonderful slices of cheesecake. we failed to get a family photo, but here's one my mom snapped of our little family. if you'll remember, it is kind of hard to get the dog unit still.

i then went to a baby shower sunday afternoon in honor of Samuel Levi (future nephew #3 on nic's side). however, little did we know that the little guy wanted to come early (6 weeks early!!). samuel graced us with his presence yesterday, 11.2.11, after an emergency c-section. he was born at 4lbs 7oz. and we thank the lord for a healthy mom and baby!! here's one of samuel's first baby photos.

and his two big brothers, who i am super excited to get to spend time with in the coming weeks as their mom continues to recover and nurse the newest miracle back to health. 

love those boys.

yesterday, we also went to the sporting kc game for the semi-championship game that put us in the mls conference championship!! (we are talking soccer here for those of you that don't know.) and if you didn't know sporting kc was the kc mls soccer team, you may not be living in kc right now, and if you're not living in kc right now, you may not realize that us being at the game last night is laughable. it's okay, you can laugh. yesterday was our first introduction to winter, the temperature dropped at least 30 degrees and rainy, sleety, grossness fell ALL night long. yep. he we love soccer that much. let's review my ensemble for the evening.

1. leggings, jeans, husband's snowboarding pants
2. 4 layers of shirts, including a fleece and rain coat shell
3. 2 hats, wait, 3 hats including the hood of my coat
4. wool socks and no rain boots 
5. gloves

if you are now thinking, wow, i've got to visit kc (which of course you do) and while i am there i must go see sporting (short for "sporting kc", see you're learning) play, then you must learn this chant, "i believe that we will win!!". that's all you need to know. oh, and don't forget your coat, the weather is chilly. :)

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