Sunday, January 30, 2011

coffee table moment

I glanced down at our coffee table this week and realized how much it defines our lives right now. Well, actually just my thought processes these days.

Sir Nicolas has accumulated these bad boys. Yep, magazines we own do define us.

Not to complain, but really probably to complain, work is draining. I come home just in time to catch some sleep before jumping back into where I left off the night before. My apathy about everything, life, work, Christ, friends, it's sickening. I am living life for the project to end, rather than to embrace the opportunity to actually engage and live at work (though I have on many occasions considered bringing a pillow and blanket to curl up under my desk, does that count?). I have justified my behaviors and demanded relaxation. I need grace. Though how can I receive grace if I won't give it?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Julie! How I miss you!!!!

    I wish I had some wonderful encouraging thing to say, but I know that wouldn't make your long days go away.

    love from Iowa :-)
