Sunday, April 10, 2011

the current kline kin: kleo and neo

a trip down motorcycle lane.

my hubster rides a motorcycle. i had a realization my freshman year of college that motorcycles weren't only for old men with long white beards. that was huge for me. i also learned not all are destined to learn to ride. it is a gift to ride a bike well and smartly. anyway, onto memory lane.

this motorcycle (pictured below), we'll call it (or her rather), nora, nora the nighthawk. this was his first motorcycle. my freshman and sophomore year of college she became our get-a-way to star gazing, from the top of the world to the scenic over-look. she took us through the quietness of the night to real conversations.

this picture cracks me up.

in fact, one hot spring day we had the brilliant idea to teach me how to ride nora. that didn't go so well. i hurt the bike, the helmet, and got some pretty nasty scratches on both of us. hence the realization that not all should be in the drivers seat.

after nora, came along tristan, tristan the triumph tiger. full of spunk.

in addition to tristan, came along delilah, delilah the ducati. at this point i wasn't around much. but i heard she was fast and that her name fit her well. i do remember a story though. delilah was purchased in FL and had to be ridden back to kansas. along the ride the hubster had a lot of time to think. now, at this point in time, our relationship was non-existent (in verbal terms, emotionally still lingering). he told me once we got engaged, that on the ride back from FL was when he decided he wanted to date again, knowing this time it would lead to marriage. awww...

delilah and tristan were a lot for one person to handle, so it was soon back to just tristan. and after 4 years, 27,350 miles, and taking my love through 45 states, we sadly said goodbye to tristan.

but, before she left, on march 13, 2011 we were kindly introduced to kleopatra, kleo the kawasaki KLR.

we now have kleo and neo as our beloveds.

last night kleo took us to the plaza for some relaxing reading. it was a great night. Lord willing, next year she will take us to Alaska. more to come on that, in about a year.


  1. omg, those bikez are SOOOO awesome!

  2. YOu are going too, to Alaska? How awesome!! I want to go. But on a big boat...
