Saturday, April 9, 2011

the gut wrenching pain of death

community. in my oh so limited knowledge and understanding of such things, community is what one needs in order to be challenged, to grieve, and to somehow live the daily life without those you used to have. we were created to live in community.

i can't imagine losing a parent, much less both parents, though i am so keenly aware these days of how i need to start emotionally preparing for those days without them or others i share life with here on earth. i can't imagine trying so hard to hang onto memories, not wanting to lose a single one, all the while knowing how they haunt you.

a family close to us lost their mother to cancer and their father recently to an unexpected passing. they have no earthly parents. reality sits deep. what will the holidays look like? will their grand-kids really not know them? and how do you even begin to process through reality amongst all the logistics, funeral, sorting through memories stored at home, estate sale, finances, etc.?

family, in all its definitions, is a precious gift. thank you, Lord.

a verse has come to mind over the last few weeks, a verse a dear friend posted on Ash Wednesday. Genesis 3:19b "...for you are dust, and to dust you shall return." dust symbolizes our mortality, sin, and the purification God makes for us.

how deep the Father's love for us, 
how vast beyond all measure
that he should give his only Son
to make a wretch his treasure. 
how great the pain of searing loss,
the Father turns his face away
as woulds which mar the Chosen One, 
bring many sons to glory.
behold the Man upon a cross,
my sin upon his shoulders.
ashamed, I hear my mocking voice,
call out among the scoffers.
it was my sin that held Him there
until it was accomplished.
his dying breath has bought me life
I know that it is finished. 

Stuart Townsend

but he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. -2 Corinthians 5:21

resting in hope and looking forward to the days of restoration.

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